Public procurement
In the area of public procurement we have provided clients with comprehensive assistance with the submission of offers, and even defended our clients’ interests where they were harmed. We have also gained a lot of experience in representing public procurement contracting authorities.
Foreign Residents Act, Energy Policy Act and Supported Energy Sources Act amendments 28/05/14
On May 6, 2014, president Miloš Zeman signed into law two important amendments. The first one amends the Act No. 326/1999 Coll., Foreign Residents Act, the other one amends the Act No. 458/2000 Coll., Energy Policy Act, as well as Act No. 165/2012 Coll., Supported Energy Sources Act. In this article we present the most significant changes of these acts.
When the chairman has the casting vote Právní fórum, 1, 2010
- When to apply for surrender value Ekonom, 19, 2006
- The liberalization of rail transport in the Czech Republic, 9, 2010
- Insolvency Act, problematic proceedings EURO (týdeník), 15, 2009
- Responsibility relationships under the CMR Convention Právní fórum, 4, 2009